Undercover agent slips through TSA naked body scanner multiple times with handgun
http://ping.fm/7YuTa KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Monday, February 28, 2011
After touching your junk, TSA now wants to scan and harvest your DNA
http://ping.fm/u7FNg KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/u7FNg KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Popular painkiller could cause patients to commit suicide
http://ping.fm/V3UPF KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/V3UPF KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Consider the organic sulfur crystal study update (Opinion)
http://ping.fm/R6HfZ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/R6HfZ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The age-old struggle against vaccination: A rebuttal ... http://ping.fm/onkQP KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Proposed new limits on vaccine exemptions: Are they constitutional?
http://ping.fm/9ygZ4 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/9ygZ4 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Nearly all drug trials scientifically invalid due2 influence of mind BigPharma sci dissolves n2 wishful thinking http://ping.fm/SUJix KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Supreme Court denies parents of vaccine damaged children their right to seek justice
http://ping.fm/fGE8m KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/fGE8m KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Gardasil vaccination: Evaluating the risks versus benefits http://ping.fm/WMV3A KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Dr. Gonzalez discusses NBC Dateline's attack against natural cancer therapies...
http://ping.fm/ktYn4 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/ktYn4 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Gates Foundation controls media through massive journalism grants
http://ping.fm/YroPC KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/YroPC KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Hijo de la Maquina's Daily is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/htWdc @hijodelamaquina KnowledgeIsPower!
Ever Wondered How Exactly Your Computer Got Infected? http://ping.fm/HxuKu KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
FARMERS' MARKETS by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/nNOBB KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Who owns the rain that falls on your roof? The surprising answer http://ping.fm/EcNKF AwesomeTeam Day2U! :-)
Go back in time for future health with organic apple cider vinegar
http://ping.fm/zerNq KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/zerNq KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Low fat diet missing essential brain nutrients and leads to cognitive decline
http://ping.fm/5LQ0z KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/5LQ0z KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Top palm oil supplier pledges no more deforestation
http://ping.fm/XCzXx KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/XCzXx KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
UNFI, independent distributor of natural and organic products, unites in opposition to GM alfalfa
http://ping.fm/jWVpv KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/jWVpv KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
15000 reasons 2support One More Girl documentary reporting on Gardasil vaccine injury & death
http://ping.fm/s6U9Q KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/s6U9Q KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Parents: You Can Say No to Vaccinations, Right? Maybe Not for Much Longer... http://ping.fm/33eUu KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Championing the Fourth Amendment-Just say "no" What do U think? http://ping.fm/mngl3 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Current is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/16jUx @BigUrban KnowledgeIsPower!
Capture of the page on 02/25/11 showing my Twitter FollowFriday Ranking. Thank You to AwesomeTeam http://ping.fm/xjRRE KnowledgeIsPower!
SUBSCRIBE TO DR. PEPI'S HEALTH TIPS...Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/2fHqf KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"The US government in 33 seconds" interesting video, very short http://ping.fm/bfPAs KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Friday, February 25, 2011
Peter Jennings Reporting: How to Get Fat Without Really Trying (watch the video! U need2 Know) http://ping.fm/ivYxl KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Genetic testing proves antioxidants prevent, treat cancer http://ping.fm/0bacF KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Hundreds of medical professionals arrested for scamming millions from Medicare
http://ping.fm/wcDIv KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/wcDIv KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
DEA to legalize marijuana chemical for Big Pharma but keep it a crime for everyone else
http://ping.fm/rA2ps KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/rA2ps KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Global concerns about Gardasil - 105 countries visit the SANEVax site in 104 days
http://ping.fm/w6WXz KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/w6WXz KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Use the nectar from the Tree of Life as a sugar replacement
http://ping.fm/55e7c KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/55e7c KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Several states consider loosening raw milk restrictions as FDA tries to tighten them
http://ping.fm/FbG5W KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/FbG5W KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Alzheimer's breakthrough: scientists discover omega-3s override the bad gene causing Alzheimer's http://ping.fm/dd6Bt KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Study: Combining broccoli with broccoli sprouts doubles anti-cancer effect
http://ping.fm/ReZ1c KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/ReZ1c KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Vitamin D and sun exposure work synergistically to prevent breast cancer
http://ping.fm/Iioqx KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/Iioqx KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Best Late Night Joke of the Week - 02/25/11 from Steve Yeich's "DarnFunnyOnLine" newsletter! Humor http://ping.fm/mFNuI KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"T.S.A gropes children AFTER they disembark from train." video What do U think? http://ping.fm/fWEXC KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Former CIA analyst beaten up in public meeting presided over by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton http://ping.fm/ZwjBw KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Lavender oil is a powerful antifungal that fights skin conditions, Candida
http://ping.fm/vYMiR KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/vYMiR KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
FDA uses flawed analysis to target raw milk cheese http://ping.fm/3Fa1L KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Full devastating effects of Gulf oil disaster could take a decade to emerge, says scientist
http://ping.fm/EumJ2 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/EumJ2 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Roundup, GMOs linked to emergence of deadly new pathogen causing spontaneous abortions among animals
http://ping.fm/GnX65 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/GnX65 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Eggs - Consume this natural protein source (Opinion)
http://ping.fm/EKZh8 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/EKZh8 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Aquifers poisoned with drugs, chemicals and pesticides threaten Mexico's Riviera Maya
http://ping.fm/nJ2jy KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/nJ2jy KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Supreme Court Immunizes Vaccine Makers Against Lawsuits http://ping.fm/CqrJy KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Experimental cancer drugs killing far more people than they help http://ping.fm/ylbvK KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Lack of sunlight exposure causing rickets epidemic among children
http://ping.fm/OZtZa KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/OZtZa KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Use organ glandular supplements to boost health recovery (Opinion)
http://ping.fm/6ZPpy KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/6ZPpy KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Arizona SB1178 Moves Forward: Felony Charges for Federal Agents article http://ping.fm/szhr6 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
First in the Nation: Idaho House Passes Health Care Nullification article http://ping.fm/eAhLh KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
National Right to Work Act Petition to: My Senators & Congressman http://ping.fm/Doy5J KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Bottled water scam busted in the UK. But US laws say "It's OK" http://ping.fm/heHFJ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Urge Congress To Take A Stand Against GE Fish! http://ping.fm/arvhp Results Requires ACTION! KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
"Audit the Federal Reserve" Petition to the US Congress http://ping.fm/ANHge KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"Cause of Sexual Dysfunction in Men Discovered" article http://ping.fm/ulzf8 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"The Truth About Semi-automatic Firearms" What do you think? http://ping.fm/hlddt KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"The bottled water scam/catastrophe-The FDA strikes again" http://ping.fm/gfsvI KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Fracking: Tell Congress to Close the Halliburton Loophole! Results requires ACTION! http://ping.fm/eMIzd KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
photograph Frank Cunha III "Time to Celebrate" poem to accompany "Night's Illusions" @fc3art
http://ping.fm/tvWIg KnowledgeIsPower!
http://ping.fm/tvWIg KnowledgeIsPower!
National Right to Work Act Petition to Senators/Congressman http://ping.fm/gNod6 Results Requires ACTION KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
New USDA guidelines fail to capture the whole truth about proper nutrition
http://ping.fm/YUapQ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/YUapQ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Doctors engaged in widespread medical fraud at Madison protests with fake doctor's notes
http://ping.fm/vBYkU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/vBYkU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Gardasil Approval: FDA Apparently Does Not Follow Its Own Rules
http://ping.fm/BUUMJ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/BUUMJ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Now USDA Has Deregulated Genetically Engineered Bio-Fuel Corn
http://ping.fm/fQxCU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/fQxCU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
A proven cure for autism, vaccine injuries, and chronic disease - Homeopathy
http://ping.fm/DMh3N KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/DMh3N KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Monday, February 21, 2011
Why Wisconsin's economic protests will only spread as health care costs bankrupt the states
http://ping.fm/bKLPl KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/bKLPl KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Deadly medical errors still common in U.S. hospitals
http://ping.fm/yxr27 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/yxr27 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
NY Times asks: Why aren't GMO foods labeled?
Monday, February 21, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
http://ping.fm/7DNer KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Monday, February 21, 2011 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
http://ping.fm/7DNer KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Antivirus Software Poll – 2011 Readers Choice by the Remote Help Expert http://ping.fm/AFi6L KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Steve SchraderBachar Daily is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/gDjoU @MortgageMinute KnowledgeIsPower!
The BIMP Daily is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/Edpcx @bioismypassion KnowledgeIsPower!
The Daily Delusion 2/20 is commended 4 promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/p6wOx @TraLeeFitz KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Justice Department assertion: FBI can get phone records without oversight http://ping.fm/Diprm KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Don't Mess With Texas Continued: Thousands of Defendants Severed http://ping.fm/Z4MXI KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Will the Rise of Wikileaks Competitors Make Whistleblowing Resistant to Censorship? http://ping.fm/hrVxT KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
What’s Better than an “Internet Kill Switch”? Regular Security Updates http://ping.fm/gPcPe KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Debate Over Internet Backdoors Heats Up in Congress and in Court http://ping.fm/5nkW0 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
EFF Argues for Privacy in Hearing Over Twitter Records http://ping.fm/FR2A3 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Medical 'experts' pushing HPV vaccines told what not to say about them, including their death toll
http://ping.fm/CdcZM KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/CdcZM KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Ten ways public school destroys free thinking (Opinion)
http://ping.fm/LiTWT KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/LiTWT KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Steve SchraderBachar Daily is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/EXHm6 @MortgageMinute KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Capture of page 02/18/11 showing my Twitter "#FollowFriday" Ranking. Thx 2 AwesomeTeam! http://ping.fm/BWPPR KnowledgeIsPower!
The Daily Delusion 2/17 is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/7eoCH @TraLeeFitz KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The Daily Delusion 2/17 is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/iFpel @MortgageMinute KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Diet Coke sponsors 'heart health' initiative as if aspartame were good for you
http://ping.fm/hoX0c KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/hoX0c KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Join OCA in grassroots fight to stop GMO takeover
Learn more: http://ping.fm/pifLQ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Learn more: http://ping.fm/pifLQ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Scientists admit dementia not a normal part of aging, refuse to acknowledge known causes
http://ping.fm/QfvtY KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/QfvtY KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Superbug named New Delhi to make westerners afraid of offshore medical tourism
http://ping.fm/UkMKA KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/UkMKA KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Cold Fusion: A Story of Suppressed Technology. What do U think? http://ping.fm/wEdwa KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Saturday, February 19, 2011
DR. PEPI'S POP QUIZ No.21 by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info http://ping.fm/iH2DY KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
HEALTH TIPS - ASPARTAME by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/z59mc KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"Reality Check Beams of Light" Poem by Carl Watts Enjoy! http://ping.fm/ch8dK KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"Why Lie?" article by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/gbzln KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Why You Should Never Sleep With TV or Dim Lights On ... http://ping.fm/LPe4m KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Delusional Pepsi CEO Says Doritos are Not Bad for You http://ping.fm/3qBAs KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Doctor Warns: Eat This and You’ll Look 5 Years Older http://ping.fm/JdLrA KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Pre-911 version of the TSA-Filmed June 2001. what do you think? http://ping.fm/TB1My KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Friday, February 18, 2011
Mysterious Mechanism Found at the Bottom of the Sea http://ping.fm/F7WYU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Researcher: Glyphosate (Roundup) or Roundup Ready Crops May Cause Animal Miscarriages http://ping.fm/dO6jP KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
99 Strains of HPV on the Wall - One More Girl on the Wall http://ping.fm/22DUZ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
New study - Lymph node surgery for breast cancer patients proves worthless and harmful http://ping.fm/3nq2r KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Do-it-yourself GMO labels: Show grocers how to label their GMO and factory farmed foods! http://ping.fm/pgwFW KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The face of a poisoned man - the human cost of pesticides http://ping.fm/8Vc8H KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
USDA says yes to genetically engineered sugarbeet - kiss organics goodbye! http://ping.fm/ICkxX KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
GM alfalfa cannot be contained, will spread everywhere, say experts
http://ping.fm/pssI9 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/pssI9 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Best Late Night Jokes of the Week - 02/18/11 from Steve Yeich's "DarnFunnyOnLine" newsletter! http://ping.fm/AQLhI KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
After surviving war in Iraq, U.S. troops now being killed by Big Pharma http://ping.fm/cibcH KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Internet 'Kill Switch' bill threatens your access to health information (Support EFF.org) http://ping.fm/5KrWR KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Cancer causing chemicals found in cola coloring ingredient http://ping.fm/Pzref KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Lose weight and help prevent hypertension with figs http://ping.fm/v3Vtd KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Vaccine philosophical exemptions: A moral and ethical imperative http://ping.fm/HBqWL KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child http://ping.fm/SzJUe KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Methyl-B12 and autism - Why you should be using it to treat your child http://ping.fm/hzPrO KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Millions Against Monsanto Truth-in-Labeling letter to the editor http://ping.fm/9vaRX KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Australia Protests Gun Ban-A government disarms it's people. http://ping.fm/TWuPc KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Obama proposes to significantly cut funding for organic conservation programs http://ping.fm/ZxMUD KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Monsanto, Dow to begin pushing dangerous 2,4-D herbicide as 'solution' to superweeds http://ping.fm/Syrgm KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Why you should get your selenium and zinc from foods, not synthetic vitamins http://ping.fm/PiMbS KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Regular exercise increases brain volume, protects against age-related dementia http://ping.fm/B5oj1 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
HEALTH TIPS - ELECTROSHOCK by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/tCklx KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"Straight from the horse's mouth-Matt Taibbi pulls back the curtain" What do U think? http://ping.fm/oApcY
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Newest Dangerous Sweetener to Hit Your Food Shelves... http://ping.fm/SF5EL KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The Amazing Mimic Octopus. Interesting and entertaining! http://ping.fm/jtRE8 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
One of the Most Dangerous 'Drinks' You Can Give Your Child http://ping.fm/kDppV KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The Type of Meat that's Full of Cancer-Causing Toxins http://ping.fm/YeldU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Many High-Tech Health Interventions Unnecessary and Wasted
http://ping.fm/d4o7D KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/d4o7D KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
How the world works. Gen. Smedley Butler said the same thing in the 30s. http://ping.fm/hrj6T
#KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
#KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
War Crimes in Pakistan. The drone war on civilians...What do U think? http://ping.fm/DfRAA KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
GET EFFECTIVE RELIEF FROM ANXIETY by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info http://ping.fm/pnSWK KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
If Obama's FDA Approves GMO Salmon, Congress Must Act! Ask Your Rep to Cosponsor Young's Bill to Stop Frankenfish! http://ping.fm/w2MZp
The Fed's Policy of Creating Inflation: A Massive Wealth Transfer http://ping.fm/sPeKL KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
"Watermelons>laxative effect, especially when consumed in large quantities. " http://ping.fm/R9ZHo KnowledgeIsPower!
The Truth About Arms Trafficking in Mexico
and the lies designed to demonize YOUR guns http://ping.fm/anL5r KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
and the lies designed to demonize YOUR guns http://ping.fm/anL5r KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
S.A.N.E. Vax team asks Senator Grassley to expand NCI ethics investigation http://ping.fm/wkxDC KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
How to determine which plastics are safe for storing foods or beverages http://ping.fm/rXdOo KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Prevent back, neck and shoulder pain from prolonged sitting and bad posture http://ping.fm/evbSY KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Got the blues? Feeling S.A.D.? Here are some tips
http://ping.fm/G9B18 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/G9B18 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Stop genetically engineered alfalfa. http://ping.fm/1XKbU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam Results requires ACTION!
For blonde hair - Try natural dyes, rinses and treatments http://ping.fm/ckYt9 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Fibromyalgia: science validates homeopathy (again) http://ping.fm/BwDXr KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Announcing the first Millions Against Monsanto Truth-in-Labeling webinar! http://ping.fm/9IV63 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Use these tips and tricks to clean your home naturally http://ping.fm/YHwbu KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Obama allocates $44 billion for Homeland Security to purchase hundreds more health-destroying naked body scanners http://ping.fm/oFzX8 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
USDA deregulates GMO corn engineered to produce fuel, not food http://ping.fm/Vu2c3 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Raising Awareness about Electromagnetic Pollution http://ping.fm/TkbGJ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The World's Easiest Way to Exercise and Slim Your Waistline http://ping.fm/ewqHb KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
"The Soulversesinmotion Daily" is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/1fOvD @LauraLME KnowledgeIsPower!
"Coffee Table Poetry Musings" is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/wKqbA @coffeetablepoet KnowledgeIsPower!
"The Sienna Clayton Daily" is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/3LGi5 @SiennaSigil KnowledgeIsPower!
"The Seasoned Lover Daily" is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/nzBxo @SeasonedLover KnowledgeIsPower!
Apricot Seed Kernels Effective for Cancer-article http://ping.fm/84yWP KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Monday, February 14, 2011
Tens of thousands of sharks mysteriously congregate off Florida coast
http://ping.fm/SiCfp KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/SiCfp KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Eight servings a day of fruits and vegetables keep the doctor away http://ping.fm/9cToa KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Global Food Crisis - USDA funds Domino's Pizza while riots break out worldwide http://ping.fm/eo3ih KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
6.7 million wisdom teeth removed unnecessarily each year http://ping.fm/vxaIe KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Italian vaccine awareness group confronts WHO pandemic vaccination policy http://ping.fm/PCZpq KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Roasting coffee beans a dark brown creates powerful antioxidants http://ping.fm/57WjU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Probiotics improve health of children, but AAP plays it down with skepticism http://ping.fm/CZnlw KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Use these natural supplements to fight the common cold
http://ping.fm/6rD8v KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/6rD8v KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Organic giants Whole Foods, Organic Valley, and Stonyfield accused of compromising on GMOs
http://ping.fm/Z4J0e KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/Z4J0e KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
ALERT: Seizures Now Reported in Kids Receiving Flu Vaccine (What's n Ur Vaccine?) http://ping.fm/EF0gU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Counter-terrorism expert leaves the FBI to defend civil rights. What Do U think? http://ping.fm/6y1XI KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
U can't overdose on homeopathic remedies; Why won't homeopathy skeptics drink their own med? http://ping.fm/na3uM KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The perfect storm for poor health; the proof is in the population http://ping.fm/C8YH2 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Sunscreen causes rickets - new wave of cases in England (trust Ur Sci Reports!) http://ping.fm/CfmDg KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Swine flu vaccine linked to 900 percent increased risk of developing narcolepsy What's n Ur vaccine? http://ping.fm/EWILJ KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Abortion stillbirth events from Gardasil far exceed all other vaccines (what's n Ur vaccine?) http://ping.fm/Z3Rrf KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Six ways for the government to get out of debt (Opinion) http://ping.fm/4q1Br KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Obama Administration Fails to Protect Consumer and Farmer Choice (Results require ACTION) http://ping.fm/wq3fs KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
HEALTHY RESOURCES - CHOCOLATE DELIGHTS by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info http://ping.fm/Szz0K KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Weird: Horseman of the Apocalypse Rioting in the Streets of Egypt. (What do U think?) http://ping.fm/tjNkK KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
At Last You Can Opt Out of Receiving Yellow Pages & Help Save Trees http://ping.fm/rF8OR KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Breast Cancer Breakthrough - Cut Your Risk of Death in Half http://ping.fm/H1yJh KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Is Your Home Supplied with Water Contaminated by Lead Pipes? http://ping.fm/e5BvC KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Vaccine Epidemic book advocates policy changes to ensure vaccine freedom of choice http://ping.fm/IUq1Y KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Fixodent denture cream can cause nerve damage, says report http://ping.fm/ZJCp8 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Fluoride depletes iodine, causing hypothyroidism & immune deficiency http://ping.fm/cU5e9 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Prevent and treat Type I Diabetes with healthy lifestyle http://ping.fm/ob6V5 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
TSA refusal to release body scanner safety reports has many crying foul http://ping.fm/i2m3e KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Added sugars linked to risk of heart disease in teenagers
http://ping.fm/ylwMi KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/ylwMi KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Study reveals whole fat dairy products may lower risk of type 2 diabetes (Opinion) http://ping.fm/qguuz KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Was Judge John Roll the actual target of the Giffords shooting? http://ping.fm/YBLEC KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Fresh produce prices to double or triple following freak freezes - is Earth in a magnetic pole shift http://ping.fm/TMpbF KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Depeche Mode - It's no good MusicVideo http://ping.fm/ozHxO KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
HEALTH TIPS - COCONUT SOURCES by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info http://ping.fm/FQDnr KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
"Against Time" poem to accompany Raw Space Series "White Space, Female Nude" http://ping.fm/T3nLo KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Raw Space Series "White Space, Female Nude" Photo by Frank Cunha III @fc3arc http://ping.fm/6QvfH KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
This is a capture of the page on 02/11/11 showing my Twitter "#FollowFriday" Ranking. http://ping.fm/H6Czr Thx2 the AwesomeTeam!
Friday, February 11, 2011
CHOOSING A HEALTHCARE PRACTITIONER by Dr Anita Pepi, A Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/IyJ76 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The book they made disappear...It came out in November...where is it? http://ping.fm/nb9wT KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Best Late Night Jokes of the Week - 02/11/11 from Steve Yeich's "DarnFunnyOnLine" newsletter! http://ping.fm/EV9Yb KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Obama's USDA Betrays Organic - Again! Tell Vilsack to Stop Sabotaging Organic! http://ping.fm/BubwX KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Whole Foods-Major Betrayal of Organic Food Movement- Dr Mercola Interviews Ronnie Cumminshttp://ping.fm/TgSTl KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Watch Your (Fo-)odometer. Interesting video about energy the food industry consumes 2 produce "food" http://ping.fm/i4lOb KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Thursday, February 10, 2011
PATRIOT Act or Bill of Rights? You can't have both http://ping.fm/1J0nI KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Handing Control of the Internet to Governments: Bad Idea http://ping.fm/A88oE KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
As International Privacy Day is Celebrated, Govts Continue to Chip Away at Privacy Rights http://ping.fm/cnjSH KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
FBI, DOJ and DEA Stall Release of Records on Bid to Expand Surveillance Laws http://ping.fm/s1LMz KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Egypt's Internet Blackout Highlights Danger of Weak Links, Usefulness of Quick Links (R we Next?) http://ping.fm/PFapu KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Homeland Security Tries And Fails To Explain Why Seized Domains Are Different From Google http://ping.fm/HarNb KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
SOURCES OF HEALTH INFORMATION by Dr Anita Pepi, A Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/3Lhuq KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
When Organic Isn't Really Organic - - How You're Being Duped http://ping.fm/xS4d3 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Powerful and Simple Tips to Help Lower Your EMF Risks http://ping.fm/hLgBT KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The Commerce Prevention Department. what do U think? http://ping.fm/fCTLw KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Deceptive all natural front-of-package advertising needs more regulation
Learn more: http://ping.fm/qkaQg KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Learn more: http://ping.fm/qkaQg KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Reverse urinary incontinence naturally with a rebounder http://ping.fm/f0UT1 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The Germ Theory Hoax on the next NaturalNews Talk Hour
Learn more: http://ping.fm/UFcOd KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Learn more: http://ping.fm/UFcOd KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Sec. Clinton admits fraudulent drug war is all about money
Learn more: http://ping.fm/9cCCu KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Learn more: http://ping.fm/9cCCu KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Shocking cancer industry duplicity exposed from within http://ping.fm/VpAhl KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Dr Andrew Wakefield speaks on structure of sci revolutions: Vaccines, viruses & evolution http://ping.fm/FvQbl KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
SIGN-ON: Ask HHS to End US Water Fluoridation Program. Results Requires ACTION! http://ping.fm/P5xRn KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Action: Ask HHS to end US water fluoridation program http://ping.fm/TdtIS KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Probiotic could treat Crohn's, colitis and colon cancer http://ping.fm/KTJP1 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
New chemical pesticides now being used on fish farms
Learn more: http://ping.fm/Gu0Jf KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Learn more: http://ping.fm/Gu0Jf KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
HEALTH TIPS - RASPBERRY SORBET by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, A Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/EsT0h KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Glendale: Whole Foods Market to Sponsor TEO! by The Earth Organization (Shop today to support TEO)
http://ping.fm/uwfdB KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam Results requires ACTION
http://ping.fm/uwfdB KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam Results requires ACTION
Rising Food Prices & Egyptian Tinderbox: How Banks & Investors Are Starving 3rd World http://ping.fm/9dyg0 @ellenhbrown KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
HEALTH TIPS - MAKEUP REMOVERS by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, A Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/Fvvdf KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
HEALTH TIPS - DRUGS AND HEALING by Dr Anita Pepi, A Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/UgGfy KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Coconut Oil Trumps Pharmaceuticals for Alzheimers http://ping.fm/KWgK3 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The Selle Vision Daily is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/BikVj @SelleVision KnowledgeIsPower!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The Winning Edge: Athletic Performance and Chiropractic http://ping.fm/vxrlC KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
HEALTH TIPS - AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE by Dr Anita Pepi, A Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/83YAb KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
HEALTH TIPS - HONEY by Dr Anita Pepi, DC, A Trusted Source of Info. http://ping.fm/sXVLP KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"ARTICLE - ALUMINUM POISONING" By Dr Anita Pepi, DC, a Trusted Source of Info http://ping.fm/iWoCU KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Solid-Peeps Daily is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/xKLEF @KinderEric KnowledgeIsPower!
"Why we have scanners at airports" More evidence the war on terror is a fraud...What do U think? http://ping.fm/2xNkb KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Singer-Songwriter Night 2/9... DON'T MISS!
Longest running show of its kind in LA-20 yrs... http://ping.fm/RE9nB KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Longest running show of its kind in LA-20 yrs... http://ping.fm/RE9nB KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Sunday, February 6, 2011
"UFO over Dome of the Rock-2 Different Angles" what do U think? http://ping.fm/XuOyD KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
The Steve SchraderBachar Daily is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/tBKsx @MortgageMinute KnowledgeIsPower!
The Salon DiplomatiKa Daily is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/yBKw4 @s_diplomatiKa KnowledgeIsPower!
"Weather as a weapon? Storms on demand?" What do U think? http://ping.fm/8FmGP KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Saturday, February 5, 2011
"'Evidence of Revision' Documentary: The JFK Assassination" Video What do U think? http://ping.fm/vxpzx KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"Our media vs. their media" What do you think? video http://ping.fm/UFCaE KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"The Bush - Nazi Connection" video What do U think? http://ping.fm/iKqfV KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Isms–"The Letter" from "I LOVE MY ARCHITECT" A Diary of an Architect Frank Cunha III http://ping.fm/GYyh6
#KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
#KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"How to Break Bad Habits" from TipsForSuccess.org http://ping.fm/xeiDy KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Isms–The Arrival from "I LOVE MY ARCHITECT" A Diary of an Architect by Frank Cunha III @fc3arc http://ping.fm/p5mDK KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"LSD 1950's style" video. What do U think? LSD dumped into population for what purpose? http://ping.fm/yTBR0 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Police Brutality in the USA: Americans, Too Are Oppressed http://ping.fm/R5NS6 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Join the Global Resistance-Independent media is battling against disinformation http://ping.fm/YxjUV KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Egyptian Tinderbox: How Banks and Investors Are Starving the Third World. From a trusted author! http://ping.fm/YpSgx KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
"Waiting on the Rain" Pic by Frank Cunha III, Poem by Carl Watts http://ping.fm/YpsaV KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Steve's World Art & Creative News2 is commended for promoting my articles! http://ping.fm/EzQXd @mydogateart KnowledgeIsPower!
Best Late Night Jokes of the Week - 02/03/11 Humor http://ping.fm/tia9x KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Remember the lost nukes? The Pentagon says: "Everything's just great now" What do U think? http://ping.fm/QEDg0 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Remember the lost nukes? The Pentagon says: "Everything's just great now" What do U think? http://ping.fm/QEDg0 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Are You Missing Out on this Key Nutrient for Optimal Cardiovascular Health? http://ping.fm/zhf4z KnowledgeIsPower AwesomeTeam
Do You Make This Common Mistake When Your Child is Sick? http://ping.fm/thBuD KnowledgeIsPower AwesomeTeam
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Connection Between Polio Vaccine & JFK Assassination. What do U think? http://ping.fm/P2IoH KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
With Obamacare ruled unconstitutional; states embrace limits on federal power
http://ping.fm/6Rw1X KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/6Rw1X KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Are MMR vaccines dangerous for children? Dr Suzanne Humphries urges parents to get informed
http://ping.fm/1uDRB KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
http://ping.fm/1uDRB KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Obama administration issues hundreds of health care exemption waivers to friends http://ping.fm/oLpp3 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
EFF-Contact the Senate Judiciary Committee Today 2 Support Reforms 2 PATRIOT Act! http://ping.fm/AlnCW KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam Nite2U! :-)
The Single Most Important Element for Your Health http://ping.fm/E9PbD KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Curcumin Relieves Pain and Inflammation for Osteoarthritis Patients
http://ping.fm/T3RjT KnowledgeIsPower!
http://ping.fm/T3RjT KnowledgeIsPower!
US Gov't Escorted "Underwear Bomber" Through Security Without Passport http://ping.fm/PZhyS KnowledgeIsPower!
Demand the Media "Tell the Truth!" About Government-Run Health Care http://ping.fm/nrUcJ KnowledgeIsPower! Results requires ACTION
USDA Completely Deregulates Genetically Engineered Alfalfa—It is TimeDemand Congressional Hearings! (Action Alert) http://ping.fm/ovgy4
The Organic Elite Surrender to Monsanto - What Now? http://ping.fm/Tjk92 KnowledgeIsPower! AwesomeTeam
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